
Who do you think you are? We now know the answer to that question. It has been a long journey over 10 years to the launch of this website The Stone family in Australia. The site comprises a number of features to make your visit interesting and informative. There are 7 tabs for you to explore. The Ancestries section cast our family in context. Our Story is precisely that and the Archives allows you to explore original Birth, Death and Marriage records from Australia (including Colonial times), UK and USA. Here are a few hints so that your experience is seamless – Our Story, Ancestries, One name studies and People are by design a series of articles in word format. The Family Tree when launched will set out the briefest of genealogical material in pdf format with links to Ancestry.com. This remains ‘work in progress’ so check back over the next few months while we finalize the extensive family tree with over 7500 members. Meanwhile, take the time to read Our Story which contains most of the family tree material and detail in narrative form. The Archives is a major work in progress comprising pdf and jpg formats. It comprises the archival material of thousands of family members, in particular, Les and Pam Stone who at different times served as Mayor of the City of Wodonga which also features prominently in the archives. The BDM records together with Parish registry records over the generations adds to the fabric of the archives - these have been assembled at considerable expense. Our Convict Heritage features prominently, as First Fleet descendants we are very proud we were among the first Europeans to call Australia home. Take the time to explore the Archive material through the Search tool. The content can be displayed and viewed in three different ‘tile’ formats. There are two sets or archives - the Stone Family and under the heading Shane Stone the archives specific to my life and times with some overlap.

Like many families, we were challenged by what to do with the endless photograph albums, bits of paper and personal junk that one never wants to throw out. There is an old saying in Africa:

“When an elder dies, it is as if an entire library has burned to the ground.”

We have all watched in sadness after floods and bushfires people who lamented their greatest loss as those very photographs and personal mementoes lost to the elements. We have also regretted, in hindsight, not spending more time with our elderly relatives and friends to learn first hand of their lives and experiences. We decided the best way to protect our heritage and memories lay in cyberspace.

Enjoy your visit - corrections and additions most welcome. If you think we are wrong on details or records please tell us and why. We do not have all the names of those featured in the photographs and would be most appreciative of any assistance in identifying people for posterity.

Our story

This is Our Story - the story of the Stones who came from Devon, England as free settlers in the mid-1860s. They were migrant workers who would contribute to the new Crown Colony of Queensland by working on the rail line between Dalby and Toowoomba. In time they would inter-marry into matrilineal lines rich with convict ancestry dating from the First Fleet in 1788. We are Australian.

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