Browsing by topic: ‘family pets’
Archie Stone at Caboodle at rest New Farm.
Archie was a rehome dog adopted by Josephine Stone as age 2 years.
Teddy Bear Stone, aka Figaro and sometimes Figgy on Christmas Day at Seapearl Mooloolaba, Sunshine Coast Queensland with his Christmas Dinner, a bone bigger than him. It took hi...
The Stone family dog, Figaro aka Teddy Bear sometimes also known as Figgy at home in New Farm, Brisbane.
Horatio aka Puma Stone masquerading as a meerkat, obviously watching too much television.
Lounging on the fence in New Farm soaking up the sun, Horatio aka Puma Stone.
On the fence in New Farm, Horatio aka Puma Stone.
Figaro, aka Teddy Bear Stone, at rest on his sleepover bed at New Farm.
Figaro aka Teddy Bear first thing in the morning looking angry, grumpy and sleepy.
At rest the family dog Figaro aka Figgy at rest in New Farm.
Madeleine Stone feeding pet goats in the children's enclosure Dream World Koala Country Gold Coast Queensland.
Horatio Stone, aka Puma in a pot in the backyard of the New Farm home.
Horatio aka Puma Stone with a new friend.
Family cat Ophelia aka Philly the baby cat t New Farm.
Teddy Bear Stone at New Farm on his 'inside bed' checking out the humans.
Family lead, premier cat Horatio aka Puma Stone on the back barb cue table at New Farm, Brisbane.
Ophelia, the baby cat aka Philly Stone befriending the garden gargol New Farm garden.
Ophelia, aka the baby cat aka Filly Stone on the side fence New Farm.
Figaro Stone aka Teddy Bear at rest in the New Farm house.
Ophelia aka Philly Stone replaced Benny following his untimely death in March 2016. She was purchased from the RSPCA shelter in Brisbane. Also known as Pee Wee. Making herself a...