Browsing by topic: ‘family pets’

Thumbnail baby cat on side fence new farm june 2020

Ophelia aka Philly Stone

Ophelia aka Philly Stone replaced Benny following his untimely death in March 2016. She was purchased from the RSPCA shelter in Brisbane. Also known as Pee Wee. On the boundary ...

Thumbnail baby cat cat stand june 2020

Ophelia aka Philly Stone

Ophelia aka Philly Stone on her cat stand at New Farm. Philly replaced Benny following his untimely death in March 2016. She was purchased from the RSPCA shelter in Brisbane. Al...

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Horatio aka Puma Stone

Horatio aka Puma Stone camping out on Shane's lounge chair in New Farm.

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Figaro aka Teddy Bear Stone

Teddy Bear relaxing at Mooloolaba, Sunshine Coast.

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Figaro aka Teddy Bear Stone

Fresh from his regular haircut in Brisbane.

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Ophelia aka Philly Stone

Ophelia aka Philly Stone replaced Benny following his untimely death in March 2016. She was purchased from the RSPCA shelter in Brisbane. Also known as Pee Wee. Staking out the ...

Thumbnail teddy and jack mooloolaba 15 sept 2019

Jack and Teddy Bear aka Figaro Stone

Jack Stone and the family dog Teddy Bear aka Figaro Stone on the Esplanade in Mooloolaba, Sunshine Coast.

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Jack and Teddy Bear aka Figaro Stone

Jack Stone and the family dog Teddy Bear aka Figaro Stone on the Esplanade in Mooloolaba, Sunshine Coast.

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Teddy Bear guarding family home

Figaro aka Teddy Bear Stone at rest at the Stone home in New Farm. Keeping an eye out for burglars.

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Teddy bear guarding the family home

Figaro aka Teddy Bear Stone at rest at the Stone home in New Farm. Keeping an eye out for burglars.

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Teddy Bear guarding the family home

Figaro aka Teddy Bear Stone at rest at the Stone home in New Farm. Keeping an eye out for burglars.

Thumbnail loriket mooloolaba

Sea Pearl Rainbow Lorikeet

The rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus moluccanus) is a species of parrot found in Australia. It is common along the eastern seaboard, from northern Queensland to South Australia. ...

Thumbnail lorikeets at mooloolaba

Sea Pearl rainbow lorikeet residents

The rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus moluccanus) is a species of parrot found in Australia. It is common along the eastern seaboard, from northern Queensland to South Australia. ...

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Painting of rainbow lorikeets, 'Togetherness' by Patricia Blee

Painting 'Togetherness' by Sunshine Coast artist Patricia Blee. The rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus moluccanus) is a species of parrot found in Australia. It is common along the...

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Rainbow lorikeet

The rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus moluccanus) is a species of parrot found in Australia. It is common along the eastern seaboard, from northern Queensland to South Australia. ...

Thumbnail teddy bear prostrate

Teddy Bear Stone

Born 30 August 2017 and subsequently acquired October same year. Figaro aka Teddy Bear Stone the puppy at home in New Farm on his first birthday. The surrogate mother and respon...

Thumbnail teddy bear relaxing

Teddy Bear Stone

Figaro aka Teddy Bear Stone the puppy at home in New Farm. The surrogate mother and responsible human Madeleine Stone. The Stone family over the years have shared their home wit...

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Teddy Bear Stone

Figaro aka Teddy Bear Stone the puppy at home in New Farm. The surrogate mother and responsible human Madeleine Stone. The Stone family over the years have shared their home wit...

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Horatio aka Puma Stone

The baby Horatio aka Puma Stone shortly after his arrival in the Stone family. The first cat ever owned by the Stones. Responsible owner and human Madeleine Stone.

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Teddy Bear Stone

Figaro aka Teddy Bear Stone the puppy at home in New Farm. Surrogate mother and responsible human Madeleine Stone. The Stone family over the years have shared their home with a ...