Post WWII the dynamics of Australian immigration changed. Germans, Italians, Austrians, Greeks, Cypriots and Maltese came to Australia to escape war torn Europe. Those from eastern Europe were scrambling to escape the aftermath of WWII and the tyranny of the Soviet Union as the USSR puts it's brutal stamp on the puppet states of the Ukraine, Romania, Yugoslavia, Poland, Bulgaria, Albania and East Germany. The parents of Josephine Stone were among those families fleeing Marshall Tito's new federated communist state of Yugoslavia.
In more recent times as a direct consequence of the shift in Australia’s immigration post World War II there is a Yugoslav blood line through marriage (Balinci & Lika, Croatia and Jablanica via Ilirka Bisterica, Slovenian). The Croatian blood line has its origins in Germany with over four generations in what was the Austro-Hungarian Empire, later Kingdom of Yugoslavia and after WWII the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFR Yugoslavia or SFRY); nowadays the Republic of Croatia. Slovenia was at various times part of the the Holy Roman Empire, followed by the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It too joined with the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and after WWII the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFR Yugoslavia or SFRY); nowadays the Republic of Slovenia. We have separately documented the most recent in time maternal ancestry of Josephine Gabriella STONE nee NOVAK which derives from NOVAK (Slovenia) and MLINARIC (Croatia) later reverted to MUELLER (German) later Anglicized to Milar and Miller. This work was largely undertaken by Josephine’s late eldest sister Rose Novak.