NQLIRA 6 months on

10 September 2019

Since appointment as Chairman and CEO of the North Queensland Livestock Industry Reconstruction Agency, Shane Stone and Agency staff traveled thousands of kilometers through the flood-impacted area in North West Queensland to meet with those affected by the monsoon of January 2019. In September 2019, 6 months after the event,  Shane Stone, Advisory Board members and Agency staff drove over 4,400kms through much of North and North West Queensland. From council meeting rooms to roadhouses, stockyards to kitchen tables, chats on the sides of the road and in the coffee shops over a cuppa, people shared their stories of resilience and strength as they got back on their feet following the monsoon trough. Farm visits were organized by a host family and neighbours invited to attend. All NQLIRA staff were obligated to participate in such visits to farms, cane, aquaculture and horticulture enterprises, the country towns and small businesses impacted. Shane Stone was strongly of the view that Canberra based bureaucrats needed to get dirt under their nails, mud on their boots and travel the vast distances to understand the remoteness and challenges of Northern Australia. This photo taken on Elrose Station was 6 months into the recovery effort. Elrose Station owned by Rodger and Lorena Jefferis. They run the large scale and successful Elrose Brahman Stud with a clear and constant focus on the environment in which the Australian beef cattle industry operates. Centered at Cloncurry in North West Queensland the Jefferis’ have firsthand experience with Australia’s unique and sometimes extreme conditions. The scope of their operation in their commercial herd, from the Gulf breeding country to Central Qld’s finishing country gives them a thorough understanding of factors such as market opportunities right through the production chain. Left to right Shane Stone, Roger Jefferis, Elrose Station and Advisory Board member Don Heatley OAM

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