Australia Day Flag Raising Ceremony 1996

26 January 1996

Australia Day marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the 'First Fleet' of British Ships at Port Jackson, New South Wales, and the raising of the Flag of Great Britain at Sydney Cove by Governor Arthur Phillip. This day has special significance to the Stone Family, direct descendants of a 'First Fleeter'. Australia Day Citizenship Ceremonies were a shared activity between the Darwin City Council and the Federal and Northern Territory Governments. The Australia Day Council also played an important role in coordinating the acknowledgement of citizens who had made a commendable contribution to the wider community. Order of Australia recipients were also announced on this day. Depending on the time of the year ‘Top End’ ceremonies were held indoors to coincide with Australia Day (‘the wet’) and on the Darwin Esplanade Queens Birthday (‘the dry’). Chief Minister Stone presented to students in attendance a book on Australia Day, the significance and importance of the day, to mark the occasion. The Administrator the Honourable Austin Asche AC QC inspects the honour guard.

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