27 October 1996
NT Remonstrance 1996 was presented to the Commonwealth Parliament. The Remonstrance sought to persuade the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia to give consideration to the grievances set out in the Remonstrance by not proceeding further with the Euthanasia Laws Bill 1996 (a private members Bill moved by the Honourable Kevin Andrews MP, Federal Member for Menzies, supported by Liberal, Labor and National MPs). The Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory asserted that the Euthanasia Laws Bill 1996, if enacted, would have a dual effect. It would not only result in the diminution of the plenary legislative powers of the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly, but it would also terminate the operation of an existing Northern Territory law lawfully enacted and assented to, namely the Rights of the Terminally III Act 1995. The Remonstrance was presented to the President of the Senate, the Honourable Margaret Reid and the Speaker of the House Representatives the Honourable Bob Halverson MP. The full details of the Motion leading to the Remonstrance see NT Hansard Seventh Assembly First Session 08/10/1996 Parliamentary Record No:26 Motion (Moved by the Chief Minister Shane Stone) ''I move that the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, as soon as possible after conclusion of these sittings of the Assembly, proceed to the Commonwealth parliament and there present to the honourable, the President of the Senate, and the honourable, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, copies of the Remonstrance which I have this day tabled in this Assembly''.