Darwin Deck Chair Cinema Kormilda College Mural

1 September 1995

Darwin Deck Chair Cinema displaying Kormilda College triptych mural mounted in front of the projection box at the Deckchair Cinema. Kormilda's art department and the students who created this work. Brett Moore, the Head of Art-Design-Technology and coordinator of the project, Peter Adsett, the teacher and facilitator of the project. Students Jessica Pilakui (Bathurst Island), Ivan McDonald (Barunga), and Keith Rose (Lajamanu) were the main design authors of the work. The other Kormilda students involved were Carolyn Minaliwu, Jessie Lee, Samantha Bunug, Mary-Anne Tulunga, Selma Hoosan, Bradley Anderson, Donovan McCartney, Preston Rockman and Thomas Turpin.

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